GERMANFEST: 7.26-7.29 (Milwaukee) --Sigh, again we were busy. L's first MLB Cub/Cards game the same w/e and so we did not attend.
OKTOBERFEST IN AUGUST: 8.17-8.19 --Was our first of the season! Awesome time. Great brats and cold adult beverages.
SPASSFEST: 8.17-8.19 (Germantown, IL) ~some year -just not this one....
PLATZKONZERT: Hoffman Estates: 9.8 from 11-3pm ~loved this one a few years back--casual daytime--
GERMAN-AMERICAN FEST: 9.07-9.09 ~we were there at first pour--noon on Sunday. Good HB and brats, pretzels okay, landjaeger was great!
BERGHOFF OKTOBERFEST: 9.12-9.14 ~attended Wed and on Thurs too. Always good beer/food/music.
ST. BERNARDINE/FOREST PARK OKTOBERFEST: Sadly Cancelled this year. ~We liked this casual one a lot. Giant-Sigh.
-Giant Pretzel- |
GLENDALE HEIGHTS: 9.13-9.16 first year...a recycle of the 'defunct' Kane County O'fest from 3 years ago...was expensive!!!! entrance fee--what? ~may not return. Food and beer were good though.
good times w/ good friends |
PALATINE OKTOBERFEST: 9:14-9.16 ~Bernie went Fri. nite, we went Sat. all afternoon and met Dave/Lisa....great time! Great beers, landjaegers and brats. Kinder activities for L too. Love this one.
BERWYN OKTOBERFEST: 9:14-9.15 ~heard it was not up to 'my' par from a friend last year....a NO go.
CHICAGO/NAVY PIER OKTOBERFEST: 9.21-10.8 ~ 2nd annual in 2013--nope
PLANO OKTOBERFEST: 9.21-9.23 ~have loved in years past--Bernie and Cliff went on Friday...
OAK PARK OKTOBERFEST: 9.21-9.23 ~Have never been, thx for the heads-up Bernie--nope did not go.
MB-ROSEMONT: 9.22-23 ~ C noted this one...did not attend
M U N I C H: 9.22-10.07 ~gotta return soon....!
LAKE VILLA OKTOBERFEST: 9.22, 9.29, 10.6
ST. ALPHONSUS: 9.28-9.30 never been--Kinderfest on Sunday--did not make it :-(
NEW GLARUS OKTOBERFEST: 9.28-9.30 ~booked the hotel again for this year-was on a waiting list and then were told it was a 2-night min...we cancelled!
LA CROSSE OKTOBERFEST: 9.28-10.06 ~new addition to the listing....long way to travel, but may go some day.
ST. BEN'S OKTOBERFEST: 10.05-07 ~went on Sat. for the rides
NAPERVILLE OKTOBERFEST: 10.05-06 ~hmm-should check it out some year
ALEBURN: Elburn: 10.XX from 1-6pm -brand new last year...??
FOX VALLEY OKTOBERFEST: 10.12-10.14 ~planned to attend on Sun-14th but cancelled due to tornado weather--Sods went.
MT. PROSPECT VILLAGE, Fall Festival/Oktoberfest: 10:13— Went on Sat. after 2pm.